501 Volley

2024 3rd-6th Grade League at 501 Volley



Welcome to the 501 Volley 2024 3rd-6th Grade League Registration!

You will be able to complete team registration by providing a team representative and their contact information and team  or free agent player information. You will then need to pay for the team or free agent player via cash, check or CashApp (@501Volley)

Mail checks to: 501 Volley, 4107 Richards Road, North Little Rock, AR 2117

Please submit one payment per team. As well as a team roster list- roster list form can be found with the league information on our website.

You will have the option of registering a team for practice and competition, a team for competition only, or a free agent player that will be assigned to a free agent team. 

Thank you for joining the league! Practice and play schedules will be provided/sent to teams once registration is closed for each league round. If you have questions or specific time requests please email us.

If you have any questions please email: info@501volley.com 


Please direct questions to:

501 Volley